Sunday, May 1, 2011


7 rounds for time:

7 squat cleans 135/ 95
7 box jumps 24"/20"

Wod needs a name?

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're too young to CrossFit.

Josh re-does 11.6 and is able to get 3 more reps!


Julia Spencer said...

7th Heaven?
7th level of Hell?

Triple 7

Michael said...

Name it Eustice. I have no good reason, I just want one named after me.


Joe 2E said...

I ran my 8th Broad Street 10 Miler yesterday and set a new PR with a time of 1:15:34. My previous PR from 2006 was 1:22:54. I have no doubt that much of my progress is a result of Crossfit. Thank you all!

-Joe Tuohey

Erik said...

"yuk", "ik", "blahk" get the idea. Or "I hate squat cleans!!"

Bussom36 said...

Nice work Joe! Killer time

Zach Miller said...


Dave "BDD" said...

My name for it is 'done and over with'

Rx'd. 17:55

Julia Spencer said...

I like 7up. ;)