Thursday, May 19, 2011

5-20-11 "2010 S. E. Regional Wod"

8 rounds for time of:

2 squat snatch 145/85
4 push press or push jerk 145/85
6 c2b pull ups
200m run

Where's Shanna been? We found her in the Cayman Islands with our friends at CrossFit 7 mile!


Dan J said...

Thats crazy!! How long were you there for? and how was the box there?

Michael said...

Shanna, I'm very jealous.


Shanna said...

DAN! Seeing your post made me realize the DG is TOMORROW! See you and Nicole there? The box was just awful, 80 degrees and sunny right by the beach :)

Eustice its just a 4 hour plane ride away and a relatively inexpensive island to stay on, great for families too!

Dan J said...

wow I'm sorry to hear, that's such a waste of a vacation. I'm lucky i've been in the lovely potential tornado warning area of telford! Haha

You know it! Nicole and I are signed up and HOPEFULLY ready. See you there bright and early.