Monday, June 13, 2011

6-14-11 "2010 Mid Atlantic Qualifier WOD"

1000m row
20 double unders
15 wall balls 20# to 10'/ 14# to 8'
10 ring push ups
5 pull ups

*Entire workout is wearing a vest. Men 35lbs, Women 15lbs

CHECK OUT THOSE EVA T. HANDS. DID YOU RIP? IF so bring your tape or your grips for todays pull ups.

HOW DID WE LET THIS VIDEO SNEAK PAST US ON MONDAY. Brittany gets some quality air time on the main site. Thata GIRL!

1 comment:

Crossfitanchorage said...

Sorry I had to miss coaching you guys tonight. I'm stuck at work on duty. Hope all did well on this one, it looks tough! See you guys tomorrow hopefully.

Semper Fi,