Sunday, June 5, 2011

6-6-11 "Run for your life"

Run 1600m
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m
Rest 1 minute
Run 400m

*Time each run individually
Total score 4 run times added together


Moose said...

AJ lookin' buff with...

Mooooooooooooose! :)

Great Job everyone this weekend. Apex Represent!

Bussom36 said...

Way to go team! You guys showed up and represented!

Congrats to Josh! Not sure how you kept your body moving through 3 days of hell! 8th out of 800 and some!

I have no voice, it was one heck of weekend!

Kurt said...

What an awesome weekend! Everyone at APEX ahould be proud to have such great trainers that hold us all to exceptional statndards and that push us to achieve amazing results.

I wish everyone could of seen BUS and KC's effort on the first wod on Saturday. You both set the stage for a great day. They were the ONLY team to not drop the bar at all during the wod. Truly Inspiring!

Kurt said...

Oh yea and Josh=Beast. Nice work!

Erik said...

Nice job Josh and Team Apex!!!! Looks like you guys/gals did awesome. Now get back here and kick our butts into shape.

Josh Wagner said...

TEAM APEX way to step up on day 2, that was really fun to watch. Also thanks for all of the encouragement throughout the weekend. You don't even know how much that means to me. I needed every ounce of your pep talks and positive encouragement to make it through each wod. My body is definitely paying for the work done this weekend. Time to start training for next year. Some fun things ahead this summer.

Dave "BDD" said...

Josh in background (left) of Christy Philips interview, about half way through video

Julia Spencer said...

Great Job Josh and Team Apex!

Bussom36 said...

I sure hope the 6 pm class was filled! Otherwise I would say our clients are picking and choosing their wods!
You are only as strong as your weakest move!

25 B.sqts 225# with a mile run- 12.03

Lisa said...

Completed Run for your Life this morning!
7:38 + 5:38 + 3:54 + 1:49 = 18:59