Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Jerks & Ladders

Push Jerk 145/100#
Back Squat 145/100#

Welcome to the club ZimRock!

Look Mom......I'm really doing it!

Hard work pays off!


Shanna said...

Zimnock, your dedication and consistant hard work has been very inspiring. Keep kickin butt! You are a great example for the juniors you will be training.

Crossfitanchorage said...

Alright Zimnock! Way to go buddy!

SharonLS said...

AWESOME!!! and incredibly impressive!!! Keep up the hard work!!

Julia said...


Zimnock said...

i can finally stop hating myself

Josh Wagner said...

Congrats Zim, well deserved. Only good things to keep coming in your future. Next up to win Fitfest this weekend. Great job and keep up the hard work. You are a role model to your peers.

Dave "BDD" said...

Awe, he's growing up so fast! I remember when he had trouble counting to ten in the wods!

Bussom36 said...

Our lil guy is growing up!

Good Luck this Summer, have a safe trip and we'll see you in the fall!

Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...

Check it out...Explode is hosting an ole fashion lock in!