Saturday, July 23, 2011

7-23-11 "Can you clean?"

12 minutes of power cleans
Minute 1 through 6 complete 2 cleans on the minute (heavy)
Minute 7 through 12 complete 1 clean on the minute (heavier)

rest 3-5 minutes then

3 rounds for time:
7 heavy power cleans (same weight used through first 6 minutes)
15 Plate push ups (alternating hand on plate)

Kurt Miller and Chris Kelly


Josh Wagner said...

Nice work everyone this am.

Review Question
What is the most important thing to remember to be successful on heavier cleans? What movement helps your clean the most?

Way to work the heavy weight today guys and gals. Stay cool this weekend and see you all Monday for the next APEX BEST WOD.

Bussom36 said...

Answer: jump shrug and keep ur arms long! Follow that w fast elbows! I;m veryy upset I'm missing all these fun wods! See you'll Monday!

Josh Wagner said...

We miss you Bus! See you Monday.

Tanya and I just did in the garge thats right its 11pm.
night owls

Tanya rd 1-6 155lbs x2, rd 7-12 165lbs x1

Josh rd 1-6 255lbs x2, rd 7 275x1, rd 8-9 285lbs x1, rd10 290lbs x1, rd 11 295lbs x 1, rd 12 300lbs x1 PR!

10 minute rest then the 3 round power clean / pushup wod.
Tanya used 155lbs 8:41
Josh used 255lbs 8:13

Michael said...

success on heavier cleans = hip pop

Had fun on Saturday,.. see you all Monday


Julia said...

This was a great wod. Great to focus on one move and work it a lot of ways. kind of a test and retest way about it.