Monday, August 8, 2011


30 min AMRAP of:
10 SDHP w/ light kb
10 push ups
10 box jumps 24/20
1 heavy deadlift 80% of your max

Talking about heavy deadlifts check this out. Chris Kelly hitting 500lbs, Jessica Reid hitting 355lbs and Cathleen Rush hitting a one handed deadlift at 245lbs. Hell YA!


Shanna said...

That's some serious weight! Good work!

Teresa said...

Those numbers are ridiculous! Awesome job everyone!

Josh Wagner said...

Nice job tonight in the box everyone. 30 minutes is a long time to ask someone to workout at least in our World of CrossFit it is:) We left alot of sweat on the nicely mopped floor.

Kacie said...

I think that last night was officially THE WORST I've ever felt after a WOD! Lying in a puddle of my own sweat in the fetal position was just the perfect "welcome back" :-)