Saturday, October 1, 2011

10-1-11" hand grips"

For time:
100 hang pwr clean 65/45
75 air squats
50 wall balls
25 toes to bar

1 comment:

Julia said...

Ugh! I am to my toes in the squat and the wall ball in those pictures.

At the endof the workout today, Cody pulled up the youtube video Teresa posted. you'll achieve success when you want it as bad as you want to breathe was what it said it think. what i have learned from crossfit is that there is always a next rep even when you hit a wall. in life the paths i've chosen don't seem to be the easy ones, but they are true to me. success sometimes has simply been achieving the next rep the next step the next breath. i love the feeling at the end of working out knowing that the next breath and success are the same thing. its great help for all the other stuff. THANKS. hope the megatransect was great and so was the event this afternoon.