Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11-16-11 "Spiderman"

5 rds for time:

5 Wall Climbs
5 Pistols (each leg)
2 up and down cargo net**
25 Big Jump Ropes
(15 min cap)

**Cargo Net up/down can be mixed in anywhere within the round (no more than 4 people on cargo net at a time)


LaRynn Blair said...

Wanted so bad to come for the spiderman WOD, but of course, I have work today so I can't make it :( this one looks like fun though!

Dave "BDD" said...

In NJ for a couple of days of training for work. Hoping to check out Guerrilla fitness tomorrow.

Julia Spencer said...

What can I sub for cargo nets?

SharonLS said...

cannot wait for this one!! bummed I missed the sledge hammers...maybe I can do a double WOD tomorrow? :-)

Bussom36 said...

Trivia Time:
1. What's Spiderman’s real name?

2. Which ability was not imparted to Peter when the irradiated spider bit him?
A. Timeliness
B. Night Vision
C. Agility
D. Flexibility

One of Peter's other love interest appears in Spider-Man 3. Who is it?
A. Felicia Hardy
B. Gwen Stacy
C. Liz Allan
D. Betty Brant

Who has directed all of the Spider-Man movies so far?
A. Sam Mendes
B. Stan Lee
C. James Cameron
D. Sam Raimi

From which New York City borough does Peter Parker hail?
A. Manhattan
B. Brooklyn
C. Staten Island
D. Queens

At the time he received his powers, Peter was pinched for cash. How did he put his newfound abilities to use to earn a little extra cash?
A. Joined Cirque du Soleil
B. Became a contestant of Fear Factor
C. Challenged a professional wrestler
D. Became a street performer

Spidey has always been a bit of a loner, but he did link up with at least one superhero cooperative. which was it?
A. The Avengers
B. The Uncanny X-Men
C. The Defenders
D. The Invaders

Which Children’s series had a live-action serial of our beloved wall-crawler, complete with a white net thrown over the bad guys made to look like Spidey's web?
A. Romper Room
B. The Electric Company
C. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
D. Barney & Friends

Which components of fitness does Spidey use when fighting crime?

Crossfitanchorage said...

Ok, here goes...
1. Peter Parker
2. A-timeliness
3. B-Gwen Stacy
4. D-Sam Raimi
5. D-Queens
6. C-Challenged a wrestler
7. A-Avengers
8. B-Electric Company
9. all 10 I'd say...
1. accuracy
2. agility
3. balance
4. coordination
5. cardio and respiratory
6. flexibility
7. power
8. strength
9. speed
10. stamina

Dan J said...

1. Peter Parker
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A (didnt he tag along with the fantastic four at one point too?)
8. A
9. All 10 of them. AND he uses his intelligence!

Here's a question to add - What ability did the movies add to spiderman that he didn't have in the comic books?

Bussom36 said...

Boy Wonder - 5/9 = 56%

Here's 2 more bonus question:
What 6 other heros made up the Avengers?

Name Spidey's Aunt and Uncle
Aunt ______
Uncle ______

Dan J said...

I'm struggling! 56 Burpees here I come!

Antman, Hulk, Ironman, Captain America, Thor, _______ (Scarlet Johanson)

Aunt May
uncle Ben

Shanna said...

Julia could you traverse a horizontal fence? Or maybe a bear crawl with db?

Bussom36 said...

Shanna, great suggestions

Vic "The Comic Nerd"- 100%

Uncle Ben & Aunt May correct

Avengers = Cap. Am, Storm, Iron Man, I.Hulk, Giant Girl, Wolverine & Spiderman

Dan J said...

Have you checked out the wikipedia page for the avengers there were so many other superheros that joined at one point or another its crazy!

This week is making me want to comic book collect, again!

Michael said...

Yeah, I was going to say,.. the Avengers are different depending on the year. I think Spider-Man was the first comic book I collected. I recently gave them all to my 6-yr-old.

Dave "BDD" said...

Took on a WOD @ Crossfit Morristown.

300 m row
20 pushpress 135#/95#
300 m row
15 pushpress
300 m row
10 pushpress
300 m row
5 pushpress

11:25 rx'd

Felt great after sitting in training for the last two days!