Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11-3-11 "Running DT"

c/o CrossFit Explode

5 rds-- time each rd individually

12 Deadlifts 155/105

9 Hang Cleans 155/105

6 Push Press 155/105

200 m run

*rest 1 min b/t rds

Josh at Regionals June 2011
What do you think? How's his form?

Here's your chance...


Bussom36 said...

I'm getting picky, but I would keep your shirt on!

Julia Spencer said...

Ummm.... It looks like he's in his toes. Now, I know that this is coming from someone who is in her toes a lot, so.... take it with a grain of salt. (but it could "take one to know one")

Seriously though, it definately looks like Josh is in his toes on the deadlift set up. And the second photo it still looks like he is in his toes, but that could be an illusion of the shoes.

So, am I right?