Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12-21-11 "Math Class"

Total Reps in 15 minutes.
There is no rest time between movements.

5 minutes of du (score highest total consecutive double unders)
4 minutes of calories on rower
3 minutes burpee box jump 20"
2 minutes broad jumps 4'
1 min KB ground to overhead (c&j or snatch)

Have you ever been told to "tighten up"(pic 2) over head or "get the bar back"(pic 3)...take a look above and see what you may look like when you're being told these things.

A solid "locked down" core goes a long way when combined with a barbell directly over the center of the body in line with your spine for overhead lifts. (pic 1)


Bussom36 said...

Awesome picture!
The 5 pm class was talking about tightening up(A.K.A.hollow body position) last night....Larynn, check out pic number two! That's what your HSPU look like.....quick fix, pretend someone is about to punch you in the stomach.

LaRynn Blair said...

Yeah in picture 2 is he over extending his back? That's what happens to me. I'm gonna start working the hollow body position with those hollow body rocks. Thanks for the help, good picture too!
Tweetcf101? Haha good one :)

Katy Nicholas said...

I tend to be #3. Oh joy burpee box jumps!! I went to bed last night hoping & praying that would be part of our WOD today:). They are my FAVORITE

Bussom36 said...

Katy had visions of Burpee Box Jumps dancing in her head!
Sounds someone she is prepping for the 12 days of Crossfit!
That'a girl!