Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2-15-12 "Two Minute Defense"

5 rounds of:

1 Power Clean 135/85
3 Squat Cleans
2 Push Jerks
100m sprint

Wait 2 minutes and repeat for a second time of 5 rds.

*There will be NO 8am class this Saturday Feb. 18th due to the Winter Combine.
**Baseball Team workout will meet on Friday at 4pm instead of Saturday.
***Anyone interested and available to help or judge at the Winter Combine this Saturday please email us at crossfitapex@yahoo.com. Thanks!


Bussom36 said...

Great Work PJ, welcome to the club!
Who's next?

Dan J said...

On my least favorite of the rings too, impressive! Next stop, strict! Keep up the good work!

Julia said...

that looked too easy. thanks for the inspiration. Today's WOD is a great one. Remember all those bear complexes where you HAD to hang onto the bar, today's wod is the payoff!

Julia said...

Kurt, can you check the SI link from yesterday? It's not linking for me. Or, what issue is the article?

LaRynn Blair said...

Good job PJ!!
Does this mean we are doing 10 rounds...so 5 rounds then 2 minute rest then 5 rounds?

Julia said...

No, that whole sequence is like one rep...like 1 clean, 3 squat cleans, 2 pj's 100 m sprint...that is one rep. Do five of those "reps". Then 2 minute break. Then 5 more "reps".

So ten reps total in the wod

Julia said...

actually LaRynn, the way you described it is another way of saying the same things...so I would actually answer your question, "Yes."