Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2-8-12 "Cindy loves Grace"

5 rounds for time:
2 rounds of cindy (5pull up, 10push up, 15 squats)

6 clean and jerk 155/105


Josh Wagner said...

By the way this picture was posted by my wife so please don't refer to me as a pig the next time you see me.

I was quite shocked seeing this pic!!:)

Kurt said...

This video is a follow-up to Missy's post yesterday on the benefits of coconut oil. After watching the video many of us non-believers will be rushing to the grocery store to make our first purchase. KurtS

Coconut oil watch to the end - A Real Eye Opener!


Dave "BDD" said...

Let it snow, let it snow!

Dave "BDD" said...

@Kurt - this is where I get my coconut oil (by the gallon)

Tropical Traditions

For those of you making smoothies, this is something great to add in.


Julia Spencer said...

Thanks for posting that link, Kurt. I'll be using coconut oil more now that I know it's not just a good fat. ;)

Teresa said...

And the coconut oil debate continues...

Kurt, if you want your instant fix, Giant carries Nutiva Organic Unrefined that is out of this world. Costs about $11 for a 15oz jar. Lasts me at least a month and I eat it on EVERYthing. Eggs cooked in coconut, nothing like it! I haven't tried the brand Missy and Dave suggest but can't imagine a better tasting coconut oil then this.


Team Nutiva! :)

ThunderRuss said...

Between the WOD pic and the oil talk....it reminds me of the scene in the Sandlot when Squints can't take anymore of the oiling and lotioning from Wendy Peffercorn.


No.....that's not me doing the Hammenball!

Dan J said...

Nicole and I use Nutiva from giant too! But we went through it too quickly and found that the larger containers were cheaper. So we actually went to vitaminshoppe and got a 54oz container for $30. Wegmans also has a 29oz container for $16

After looking at that site and the sale thats going on I'm almost tempted to get the gallon haha.

Bussom36 said...

Thanks for referencing one of my favorite movies!
Great Quotes: Squints
" I've been coming here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling! I can't take this no more!"

"I've been planning it for years!"
"You can count on it, pee drinking crap face!"
Benny referencing people who pick and choose their Crossfit WOD's:
"Anyone who wants to be a can't-hack-it pantywaist who wears their mama's bra, raise your hand"

Kacie said...

I found some incredible inspiration....for me at least!


Thanks, Josh!!

Dan J said...

Anyone from last nights games prep class - is your back fried??? It just hit me how sore it is now haha

Dave "BDD" said...

I'm pushing any particular brand of oil. However, this chart shows some differences in the type of c oil. So if you don't like the coconut taste, there are types you can get. comparison

So the article that Kurt posted talks about the ketones in coconut oil, while the people in the video are still eating crap food. Eat a cleaner ketogenic diet (high protein, low carb) would give the same ketone effect on the brain.

Dave "BDD" said...

That should have been "I'm not pushing ..."

Dan J said...

we should get some kind of forum going on the apex site so we can exchange this info i like this!

Angie said...

I'm all set! Just signed up for the Winter Combine at Apex next Saturday!!

Ok ladies....now who's joining me?? J

Dave "BDD" said...

Gonna miss this one! Snow didn't come early enought to delay evening activities! Have fun all!

Josh Wagner said...

Love the posts on coconut oil. Thanks for everyone's input.

Kacie glad you found that video inspirational. Lets try some of these moves with you. (Snatch, KBS, Cleans) Injuries don't keep crossfitters from moving forward.

Dan I am feeling more and more sore as the evening is rolling on. My chest and traps, lower back are definitely sore!

Safe travels to everyone going out tonight in the snow flakes.

Josh Wagner said...

Note: coconut oil straight from the container tastes like I took a bite off of the glue stick from kindergarden. I was feeling a little under the weather today so Tanya gave me a spoonful straight from the jar. Thats just weird.

Dan J said...

haha if you dont like the oil but still the taste of coconut. Nicole and I found a trick to make coconut whipped cream thats AMAZING


for some reason cans that used "guar gum" separated better so go for those. Giant has organic can coconut milk for $2.25. They had a sale recently for 1.88 but i cleared the whole self haha sorry

Missy said...

Love that "Inspiration"!! Go KC!!

Missy said...

Teresa - thanks for the post on Nutiva. That is what i almost bought before i found Tropical Traditions. I will have to try it:)