Thursday, March 1, 2012

3-2-12 "On the Minute Bear"

ON the minute for 20 min:

3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 thrusters


Repeat  from 12/26/09
*Any athlete participating in the Open will do
"On the Minute Air Bear"

3 HIGH box jumps
3 GI Janes

"I pick things up and put things down"


Josh Wagner said...

So Excited just came in from outside doing 12.2 in the garage. Everything I got left laying on the garage floor. my wife helped to keep me in line. Both of us putting up 90pts.

Here is the vid if you'd like to watch:

Lauren P. said...

Congrats to you and Tanya! Will check out the video. Thanks for posting the old photos! Brings back so many memories:) I love seeing Jodi in there!

Lauren P. said...

Now my husband has me obsessed with the leaderboard and I am not even participating in the Open! Way to go, just saw your scores posted!! (and the video)

Bussom36 said...

Congrats TW and JW!
The question is....can I make it to 90?
I will be taking a different approach tomorrow
Let me know what you think...what would you do differently?

Julia Spencer said...

Fun! I loved watching your form, even at the heavier weights, you guys had good form.

Dan J said...

Awesome work guys!! After watching that, you guys almost made me feel like I could do that wod over again.....ALMOST.

Molly said...

Bus, You definitely have 90 in you. Use your legs more and earlier. Get under it so you don't have to press it out. It almost looked like you muscle snatch the first 30. Form will give you the efficiency of the movement. Also find a better set of clips, that will save you at least 1 rep.
You Got this!

Missy said...

Way to go Wagners - you rock!!