Sunday, April 21, 2013

4/22/13- 300

25 pull ups
50 DL 135/95
50 push ups
50 box jumps 20"
50 floor wipers 135/75
50 single arm DB C & J 35/25
25 Pull ups

*Post weights and Time to comments

Music is extremely motivational......What song gets you AMP'd up?                                                                                        WOD's at IV

Above the Bar Challenge......L-sit for Time....Must use parallets, you also must have plates stack under your feet(Games Style), once your heels touch the plates, time ends. 


Melissa said...

OMG..that video is the best!! haha!

Bussom36 said...

Congrats to all the Mayhemers! Please post your results.

Also Congrats to Chris G.1st ABC winner - 204 consecutive DU's

Thata boy Luke! He's already beat me!

Music- Ruff Ryders Anthem- DMX

RobC said...

- Scaled to 10 pull-ups
- 65# DL
- 45# Floor Wipers (each side counted as 1)
- 20# DB C&J

I definitely prefer the heavier/angrier music but about 10 secs after "go" don't notice it much.

Unknown said...

Off the top of my head, Comeback Kid - "Wake the Dead"

Bussom36 said...

For all you comp-heads: Rx'd and Scaled divisions. Top 8 people qualify for the championship throwdown.
May 11th in NJ....I know a bunch of people SMCF are already signed up.

Unknown said...

If anyone's at the shore Memorial Day weekend, there's a Navy Seals challenge course in OCNJ on Sat 5/25!

Unknown said...

If anyone's at the shore Memorial Day weekend, there's a Navy Seals challenge course in OCNJ on Sat 5/25!

Missy said...

65# DL
45# Floor Wipers
15# DB for C & J


Those floor wipers are just as BAD as I remember them!!!

SharonLS said...

Music is huge for me during a workout... It really helps me mentally when I'm physically beat. It definitely keeps me going AND helps me work harder (contrary to what you think Bus... What did you say Saturday? "If you are paying attention to the music you aren't working hard enough!")

Anyway I love vulgar rap--E-rock's playlist is awesome, and I like the hardcore stuff like godsmack, STP, White Zombie, Nickelback, Metallica,

Unknown said...

95# bar
30# db

Erik said...


115 for dl and wipers
30 db.

2.5 minutes faster than when we did this in January of 2012 but I went rx then so not sure what that means.

Bussom36 said...

Sharon you are correct, that's exactly what I said......i prefer to take request before the wod.

DJ Bussom

Aaron W said...

40 legit pullups, about 30 more than i've ever done before.
50's on all the rest.
95# bar & 25# db
turned out to be more fun than I expected.

Seems like Keith is going through a real Joe Esposito phase lately... "You're the best, around....."

Some DMX or Linkin Park is always a good thing for me.....

Unknown said...

WU (3 pwr clns, 3 FS, 3 push jerks): 105#.

WOD: 18:47 (20" BJ, 45@ floor wipers, 20@ db).

Erica J said...

18:32 Rx 95# f.w

Unknown said...

Second week. Scaled back to lighter rep scheme (15 and 25 reps instead of 25 and 50). 65 lbs on deadlift, jumping pull up, 35 lb floor wiper and 15 lb db clean and jerk. Just wanted to move as quickly as i could. 10:10.

Anonymous said...

Warm-up- hit 185# and failed at 195 the last set.

16:35 Rx 135#

Floor wipers are one of my new least fav exercises

Melissa said...

14:01 75 DL 65 FW 20 SDBC

Should have gone heavier...

Unknown said...

Jumping pullups
85# DL
50# FW
20# DB C&J

For the warmup:
3 power clean/3 front squat/3 push jerk - 90#

Unknown said...

^ whoops, was only 80# DL