Monday, February 1, 2016

2/2/16- APEX Bench Mark- Albany Hooper

Happy Groundhog Day
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Albany Hopper For time 1k row then:
5 rounds 21 SDHP 95/65 15 thrusters 95/65 9 burpees Top Times: Josh 18:08 Tanya 17:20 Bus 22:51

*Post weights, times and PRs to comments

THE CROSSFIT APEX 2016 OPEN DRAFT We are pumped to say that we have 102 members signed up for DRAFT DAY. DRAFT DAY -February 20th starts at 3pm. (Snacks and Drinks Optional) **Read more about the Open and the Draft Following the Draft: We're going to Celebrate Coach Bus(40) and Coach Melissa (45) @ Pour House in Montgomeryville for an Apex Social.


Frank Heffelfinger said...

Slayed the dragon this morning! I have done this WOD twice @ 45# and didn't finish it. I have trying to do most WODs at ladies RX or above. But decided to stick with 45# and get it done! Success!
20:02 @ 45#

Todd said...

Great Job this morning Frank. You picked the right weight and your intensity never dropped. It was great to see you moving on those Thrusters into the 5th round! (and the SDHP were no joke either!) Congrat's Frank - next time...65#!

Frank Heffelfinger said...

Thanks Todd! The whole Rooster crew did a great job on it this morning!

Unknown said...

Today - 21:32 @50#
11/3/14 - 23:35 @50#
This makes the Hall of Fame of brutal WODs. Top 5 toughest for sure.

Unknown said...

22:16 65# this was killer!!!