Monday, November 10, 2008

11-11-08 "4:30 wake up call"

For time:

500 rope jumps
50 walking lunges
50 air squats
400 rope jumps
40 walking lunges
40 air squats
300..., 30.., 30..
200..., 20.., 20..
100 rope jumps
10 walking lunges
10 air squats

Burpee Challenge #28


julia said...

Hey guys, this is one I wish I would have joined you for...but I did just do it at home, I'm sure at a much lazier pace.

My legs were really tight doing this after last night but loosened up as things moved faster towards 200 and 100.

Scrappy, how did it go doing 2 workouts within 12 hours?

Angie said...

I did this one on my own too. Took much longer than I thought it would. Seemed to last forever!! My legs were screaming already during the 50 lunges....perhaps I have the 20 mile bike ride I took two days ago to thank for that :-)
Good seeing all you folks on Saturday-- have a good week!


Unknown said...

Well, I managed to make it to the workout this morning on time! lol. I thought going last night and then again this morning might kick my butt, but this mornings wod didnt seem to bad =0)

By the late rounds fatigue set in the forearms and legs.



Josh Wagner said...

completed with a 20lb vest. Wow my quads!!


Unknown said...

Show off! Lol

Pa KnitWit said...

hi all! no time for a long workout today- worked 12 hr shift today and the nxt two days.
did 21-15-9
burpees, sit ups, lunges 6:59

+added extra burpees to stay up with the burpee challenge

Tanya said...

4:30 wake up call...thanks Melissa for this great wod! Can't imagine doing this just after rolling out of bed. My legs are shot!

18:42, thanks for the push JW