4 minutes of work at each with each Couplet. Record total number of rounds at each Couplet.
1 minute of rest between couplets.
5 Push Press (95/65)
5 Sit ups
5 Wallball #20
5 Boxjumps 20"
5 Cleans (95/65)
5 Double Unders
5 DB Snatches (35/15)
5 Burpees
Burpee Challenge #39
This was supposed to be Mike's "Carnival" right? Sorry I missed it. I did do "1500" at home this morning. All I could here in my mind was Josh saying, 'no breaks, no breaks' still it took me over 1/2 an hour. Anyway, at least I know it's possible to do 100 burpees. J
Wait a minute...you did WHAT??? We missed you this am, it was a fun one.
Jodie won a XXL stuffed animal prize! Scrappy ate too much cotton candy and Molly's aim was right on for water pistol races :)
I wanted to puke after that carnival...maybe frianbeth would have been a better way to go???
I cant even begin to describe how bad im hurting right now. Im tired and sluggish and EVERYTHING is really really sore.....it feels so good =0) Man that makes me messed up in the head. The past two days wods have been kick @ss.
Thanks god tomm is a rest day!
Rest day what???
its a 5k day.
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