Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12-24-08 "12 days of xmas"

For time:

1 burpee
2 push press
3 front squat
4 hang power clean
5 deadlift
6 box jump
7 pull ups
8 push ups
9 sit ups
10 air squats
11 kb swing
12 500m row

* follow in this order 1 burpee, 2 PP and 1 burpee, 3 frnt sq and 2pp and 1 burpee, and so on.....

mens weight 95 female 65

Burpee Challenge 71


Unknown said...

Fun WOD...was harder than it looked, but then again, how often is that said!

Thanks again and happy holidays to all!

Josh Wagner said...

Happy holidays! Enjoy the video on the front page!

julia said...

Yes, Fun!

It was great seeing everyone this a.m. Especially at a reasonable hour.

If only I could get my hang power whatever's down better...ugh.

And yes, Happy Christmas Eve!