Saturday, August 22, 2009

8-22-09 Group WOD's

Wod 1: 2k row for time Each partner must row a portion of the 2k(partners not rowing must hold a 25lb plate)

Wod 2: 100 Tire flips for time

Wod 3: Couplet: 5 minutes total reps of 12lb wall ball and Clean and Jerk (75/45) Only 2 people may work at one time. All partners must complete at least 10 reps of each exercise.

Wod 4: Mountain move (For each member of the team there will be a 45,25,15,10lb plate) The plates are stacked in this order. The stack will be moved 30 ft and removed back to its orginial postion as quickly as possible. One plate at a time may be moved by each member.

Consequences: The top finishing team at each event will be given 40 burpees which they may distribute to other teams at the end of the Competition.

1 comment:

Cappi said...

Just got home from driving alllll over the state. Did one of the main page WOD's as RX'd

AMRAP in 20 mins of:
5 thrusters 95#
7 Hang power cleans

5 rounds + 5/7/0

see you guys monday!