Saturday, September 5, 2009

9-5-09 "Partner's"

3 rounds for time of:

40 overhead squats (115/75)
50 pull ups
60 box jumps
70 double unders
400m run

*Only 1 partner may work at a time. Switch when needed. Remember to limit your REST!


julia said...

Had a blast this a.m. I love the partner wod' if it's possible, I think you even push harder cuz you don't want to shirk on your teammates. Anyway, very fun today with Eida and Jodie.

Also, am sad that I can't do the FGB event as we have Oktoberfest for disaster response later that day...please come happy to get anyone more info and you can just take the R5 right into Glenside.

anyway, would like to donate to FGB event but the donation page is down...please advise.

Eida said...

Yes, loved today's workout. Kudos to Jodie for fighting for RX. I really didn't think I could handle it. Great work ladies. Have a good holiday.

Tanya said...

Awesome work this guys busted your butts to get it done and pull your weight for the team. Everyone was pushing hard; it was great to see.

To my girl's team...WAY TO GO RX! :) Just need to tell you how many comments I heard after you guys left about your amazing strength. We've got tough girls at Apex and I'm so proud of you SO proud!
Happy 28th Birthday Josh! Have a great day today!

Cappi said...

After 7 hours of work, decided that today was a good day to make up fran.

first time i've done it rx'd, and the thrusters were brutal to me. happy with 8:11 since its only a minute slower then my previous fran time that i did with 65#.

Mike- 8:11 95#
Dave- 8:14 45#

Josh Wagner said...

Did 4 rounds

400m run and 500m row
