Monday, November 16, 2009


For time:

25 walking lunges
20 pull ups
50 box jumps 20"
20 double unders
25 ring dips
20 KTE
30 KBS (53/35)
30 sit ups
30 hang squat cleans (75/55)
25 back extensions
30 wall balls
20 ring rows


Stefan said...

we couldn't decide on a favorite?..

schwyter said...

this looks like fun... definitely a warrior-worthy workout

Dave "BDD" said...

No burpees!?

JustinMakaila said...

this is gonna be effing brutal. i have to just walk away and stop coming back. i always come on the worst days. haha

Tanya said...

This my friends is a nice little example of a CHIPPER :)

have fun!

Jarrett said...

this is gonna be really enjoyable

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you've seen your toughest WOD...along comes the chipper. Nice!

Cappi said...
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Cappi said...

was kinda sick today so dont really wanna come into the gym so did something at home.

Wide Grip Total

1 rep Power Snatch+30#PR
1 rep Overhead Squat+30#PR
1 rep Full Snatch+50#PR


Dave did max clean