Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2-9-10 "MAQ WOD 2"

Mid Atlantic Qualifier WOD 2 Deadlift Double Under

3 Rounds for time of:

10 Deadlifts (275/185)
50 Double Unders


Bussom36 said...

Great work this morning AM Crew! Thanks for the push Scraps!
5 min PR.
My DU's still need a lot of work

Bussom36 said...

Who's coming with me?
Check this site out!!
Is May 2nd too close to Regional’s?


Unknown said...

I read about that...barbed wire? Really? Although..I am doing a 25 mile hike in October so my sanity needs questioning....hmmmm

Angie said...

Did yesterday's shoulder blaster. Used 65#. Floor pressed was the worst of all.


Michael said...

I'm not so sure it would be wise for me to do all of those deadlifts prior to the snow-shoveling extravaganza I have lined up for tomorrow...

Zach Miller said...

Wow that wod beat me up tonight... Just couldn't get a good grove going.......

Unknown said...

Looks like fun Keith! Chris wants to start training tomorrow running in her bikini in the snow. We will go with you.

Shanna said...

That race is A LOT of fun, im def down for it!

Did the deadlift #95, DU WOD today in 11:57, really hard by yourself but at least my DU are improving.

Eating is going well this week, my new favorite is a grilled turkey burger with some turkey gravy on top, yummy!