Tuesday, February 16, 2010


20min AMRAP of:

20 calories on the rower
20 turkish get-ups (35/26)

If the class has larger than 4 people:
If a rower is not available following your turkish get-ups you MUST begin burpees! For every 3 burpees completed you may deduct 1 calorie from you next row. Rowers are first come first serve...whoever reaches the rower first gets first dibs. (Yes if you add up the burpees that would be 60 burpees towards 1 round, gdlk finding a rower)


Dave "BDD" said...

Is that 10 each arm or 20 each arm?

Tanya said...

10 each arm...good question BDD.

Dave "BDD" said...

Still gonna take a long time!

Dave "BDD" said...

Plus I wanted to see it in writing so the number doesn't double mysterously!! :-)