Saturday, February 27, 2010


5 rounds for time

10 thrusters (95/65)
7 burpees

30 pullups


Zach Miller said...

Wow Long week of pt training caught up to me this morning doing that wod I was just so spent, But it was a good one. Lungs were working hard on that wod!!!!!!!! Legs and body are feeling, but tonight with some beers and drinks they will be feeling fine!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shanna said...

I agree Zach, I had zero gas in the tank this morning, thank you everyone for the encouragement to get through that!

I was wondering what everyone eats before a morning workout and how long before. I usually just fast because I get nauseous, however, when there is heavy lifting involved I dont have enough energy so I need to find a happy medium. Thanks and have a great weekend everyone!

Michael said...

Shanna, I think Tanya is thinking of having a follow-up nutrition session soon. I typically have two eggs and a glass of orange juice about an hour before the workout, but I really don't know if that's a good thing or not. I've read that you want to carbs beforehand to give you energy and protein afterwards for muscle repair,.. but I'm no expert.

Keith said...

I’m with Shanna and would like to hear what others eat before their workouts. I think we may find that each of us approaches it differently. I like to work out with nothing (or very little) in my stomach almost to the point that I’m hungry. I hate the feeling that I have to throw-up. Pukey is no friend of mine! I find it’s easier during the week to prepare nutritionally for the workout than it is on Saturday morning. On Saturday, I wake up around 5:30 so I can have 2 – 10oz cups of coffee and a 12oz protein shake; all of which is consumed by 6:30. I’ll then eat a proper breakfast when I get home after the WOD. I don’t know if this will work for everyone, but it seems to work for me. I’ll be curious to hear what others have to say…

Teresa said...

I find what works best for me is working out on a relatively empty stomach. No food to bounce around in there while I'm bouncing around! I typically don't eat anything up to an hour before the workout. Sometimes eating an apple on the drive to class.

Though I think when it comes to this topic, there is no one right answer. Your body will tell you what works and what doesn't. I think it's equally important to get refueled relatively quick after the workout - when my body is screaming for nutrients.

Josh Wagner said...

Cinnamon toast crunch does the trick for me.

I am with you guys on trying to eat light before hitting a WOD or you feel sluggish and nauseous during the workout. I will eat fruit usually 30min to an hour before I workout. I need to fuel up before exercise! Coffee also is a needed ingredient for me before my workouts.

Tanya said...

I will be having a following up nutrition talk. It will be on Saturday March 20th at 9am right at the 8am. I'll have more on that on the front page of the site.

As I can see we didnt' get to this topic in that first discussion...I have found that a 1 block snack 1/2 hr-1 hr before my wod is best. 1/2 apple w/ pb and 1 hb egg is my super snack and does the trick for a workout. It's not enough to make me sick but enough to give me fuel.

Great topic...let's look at it more!