Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3-25-10 "Mystery Jeremy"

3 rounds -45 total reps of each for time:

OHS (95/65)

Each athlete will have a partner. One partner will count while the other partner completes the WOD. The counting partner will chose a card at random which will have a set number of reps for each exercise totaling 45 reps over 3 rounds when finished. The athlete will not know the number of reps for each exercise to be completed each round. The counting partner will tell the athlete when they have completed the set number of reps and the athlete may move to the next exercise. Best of Luck.

Cash Out
3 min (cumulative time) Handstand hold against wall
2 min L- sit on paralletes (cumulative time)


Dave "BDD" said...

will the rep scheme be the same for both exercises in each rounds, or will they vary as well.

i.e. Both 7-25-13

or OHS 7-25-13
BRPE 24-5-16

just wondering!

Tanya said...

They may vary...or maybe they won't..great question!

Bussom36 said...

This WOD is going to be interesting!
Dave- only your partner will know the rep scheme! He or she will tell you when to move onto the next movement!!

Dave "BDD" said...


Very interesting concept. I know that I approach exercises diferently based on # of reps to complete. For example burpees: I know I can 'sprint' through 5-10 pretty quickly, were as if I was face with doing 20+ in a row, I would go at a much slower pace from the start.

We shall see!

Bussom36 said...

Dave- I totally understand your game plan for Burpees, I myself try to avoid them like the plague!
My suggestion for this WOD- go all out( _ALLS TO THE WALLS), what do you have to lose? This WOD is going to help everyone find their pain threshold………time to find your limits!

Shanna said...

I guess regular pain got too boring....crossfit had to develope "surprise" pain...shall be interesting