Wednesday, March 3, 2010


3 rds for time

10 power cleans (185/95)
10 burpees

*Cash out- 2 minutes row /average watts (calculate % of your body weight pulled)

**day 2 waterjug thruster challenge...just sayin...anyone out there with me?


Chuck said...

I'm in.

Bussom36 said...

In like Flinn

Tanya said...

So I go to do my thrusters this morning before leaving for work and what the?!? only 1 jug to be found....I look and look, oh there it is on the counter next to the Keurig 1/2 empty!...looks like Josh was thinking more about coffee than his thrusters :)

I'll fill up and get my 2 later...happy to hear it's not just me and the crickets in this one.

Teresa said...

Ok so being that we aren't huge milk drinkers, we only have one 1/2 gallon container around. Not gonna fly, huh? That would be like doing weighted box jumps with 5# DB.

Only other option is the 5 gallon water cooler bottles we use for our drinking. I can just see Wes walk in on me doing thrusters with those things. He'll think I've officially lost it! I'd do it! I wonder what they weigh....

Molly said...

Teresa, 1 gallon of water is 8.3 lbs. You don't need to fill the 5 gallon jug up all the way - or you could and we will call you crazy. One 5 gallon bottle full of water is 41 lbs.

I'm in..

Keith said...

The Bergman boys are all in! We made a trip to Wal-Mart and with our $2 allowance bought a couple of new coffee table decorations! I think my wife is going to disown the two of us. Water jugs on the coffee table is a real conversation starter - our guest last night was convinced I have a blatter problem!

CP said...

We don't have gallons either but i'll get over zealous with 2 10lb DB we have at home until i can rummage up the gallons.

In =)

anna said...

haven't bee around in a while, do i have to rsvp for classes? if so this is me rsvping for tonight's 5pm group class

Chris said...

Arlene and I are in!

Angie said...

I'm in.....sucked in by peer pressure :-)