Saturday, April 3, 2010

4-3-10 "Festive 40 Chipper"

For time:
40 kb squat cln & jerks (20 each arm) 53/35
40 kb SDLHP 53/35
40 Hang muscle snatch #45lb bar
40 jumping back squats #45lb bar
1 mile run


Michael said...

After this, my traps are so sore they're completely useless to me today.

Chuck said...

My traps are also toasty. Happy Easter to all.

Keith said...

Couldn't have asked for better weather this easter weekend, hope all is well and everyone got their favorite easter goodies from peter cottontail-paleo of course.But it finally appears that winter is over and any/all sleds can be packed away. See everyone monday ;)

Josh Wagner said...

Except for a few Sleds.Thanks KEITH!!! Surprise..Surprise.