Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5-13-10 "Nicole"

20 min AMRAP

400m run
max attempt pull ups

following each run begin pull ups until you break your grip. When your feet hit the ground complete another 400m run followed by another set of max pull ups. Continue for 20min. Score will = total number of pull ups.

KOLBY Takes the APEX Best Top Score for NICOLE at 168 pull ups!!


Michael said...

Did this at home. Got a 56. Is this WOD named after Nicole Carroll? Have any of you beasts met her? I would pay an entire 10 day Apex pass if you could introduce me :)

(Don't tell Mrs. Eustice)

Josh Wagner said...

Tanya knows her quite well. We have had the chance to spend lots of time with her (Filfest). By the way I think there must be something with Nicole Carroll and MIkes because Feliciani is absolutely in Love.

Bussom36 said...

Very impressive!
I can smell your Muscle Ups! Saturday is the day!