Saturday, May 29, 2010


For those of you who completed our 12 days of xmas WOD this is the same style.
For time:
Complete 1 burpee, then 1 burpee 2 deadlifts, then 1 burpee 2 deadlifts 3 hang cleans........until you have completed the 600m run.

1 burpee
2 deadlifts
3 hang cleans
4 front squats
5 push press
6 box jumps
7 pull ups
8 push ups
9 sit ups
10 air squat
11 kbs 53/35
600m run

*barbell wt 95/65


Anonymous said...

Mat: 24:19 Rxd
Megin: 24:56 (alt 65/45 for HC/PP, Green Band for Pullups)
-Sorry we missed Sat

Josh Wagner said...

Away in Canada and used our workout list from the Apex WOD sheet.

Did 12min top of each min 10 walking lunges finished 1.3mi


10-1 of:
burpees and butterfly situps 5:38 (That sucked!)

Hope you all had a good workout Sat. Team workout on Monday, Hope to see you there.

Bussom36 said...

must watch!