Monday, September 6, 2010


For time:
100 burpees at the top of the minute complete 5 OHS then right into
150 double unders at the top of the minute complete 5 power snatches


Dave "BDD" said...

Come and get it!

Molly said...

18 days until Fight Gone Bad 5. If you have any questions, send me an email.
Kelly send me an email. I can give you a sample email to send out with a link to your fundraising page.

Jarrett said...

went to the power gym for the first time today and did

5 Rounds
5 power cleans
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 double unders


I wasn't aware that the plates were in kilos, so i ended up doing 106 lb power cleans hahaha, but with good form!

Bussom36 said...

Nice work Jarrett! So those Jersey Boys and Gals what Apex is all about.

This WOD was a big man killer!
22:40 95#

Yeah Burpees

Dave "BDD" said...


Kimberly said...

Dave, my thoughts exactly..haha...thank you playoff softball...see you tomorrow!

Michael said...

GAH!! Don't use yellow marker! I can't read the board!