Thursday, September 30, 2010


15 min AMRAP

1 thruster*
1 sdhp*
3 burpees

*add 1 rep each round to thrusters and sdhps. The burpees always stay at 3.
(1 thruster, 1 sdhp, 3 burpees, 2 thruster, 2 sdhp, 3 burpees, 3 thruster, 3 sdhp, 3 burpees......18 thruster, 18sdhp, 3 burpees)

Use the same weight for both exercises, it should be on the lighter side...high volume, lots of rounds!


Jarrett said...

Went to my first crew team practice. Started off with 15 minute row and then a 15 minute circuit of ab work along with some burpees, lunges and push ups. Finished off with 20 strict overhand pull ups then went on the water to do some basic technique work. Hoping to stick with it so I can crush some rowing workouts back at apex! Hope all is well this week, I'll update more often!

Bussom36 said...

Nice work Jarrett! I can't wait for you to teach us how to row!
good luck and keep up the great work!