Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11-18-10 "Merry-Go-Round"

(Capaldi's Pick from 1/25/10)

2 rds for time
21 pull ups
15 wallballs (20/14)
9 deadlift (275/185)
60 double unders
9 snatch (*)
15 front squats (*)
21 push press (*)
200m row
21 box jump,
15 ring dips
9 turkish getups (35/26)

*use same weights for these 3 movements


Crossfitanchorage said...

Good pick Cory, How bad can two rounds be........rigth????????

Anonymous said...

Really Capladi???

Molly said...

Vic... you just jinxed us all. never say something like that. I remember this one and...

Cory said...

My pick! Gotta wanna crush the hard wod's!

Teresa said...


Kacie said...

I'm trying to figure out what will be the worst part....