Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"Apex Best"



Bussom36 said...

OHS are going to be tough today! My hips and shoulders are fried from yesterdays Thrusters and rope climbs.

Dave "BDD" said...

I am still having trouble lifting my hands over my head after Monday and tuesday's WODs!

Jarrett said...

i'll be there tonight but we'll see how long i can lift my arms over my head. so sore from monday still

Bussom36 said...

Looks like we will have to do some mobility before the Big Lifts!

Chas said...

Those Lacrosse balls killed, but they helped out a lot. After the 4th lift the shoulders finally loosened up a little more. Made the lift much easier. Thanks for the coaching Josh! Great job 5:30 crew!

Julia said...

Tanya, 100 burpees for time, 2 years ago this week I think! Tonight it was 8:30.