Sunday, January 2, 2011


For time:

Reps of 10-1 front squats (medium-should be able to straight set ea rd)
Reps of 1-10 KBS 53/35

* alternate between the 2 moves

The 9am class will have guest trainers, Austin Malleolo and James Hobart, both 2010 games competitors also from the AGAIN FASTER Team.


Bussom36 said...

HQ has started making Regional Announcements:
A few things have changed- Regional’s are going to be held for a certain amount of weeks and must be on video or the WOD's are going to held at local Affiliates, yet to be determined.
Affiliate Teams members must also compete as individuals this year.
Please Read the link :,983/

Zimnock said...

the 2 O'clock heat for the WD is all full

Bussom36 said...

Go with the 2:30 time slot, I think we the 2 pm's and the 2:30 will be able to sneak in either slot

Zimnock said...

Ight. Thank you