Thursday, February 3, 2011


2 rounds
Tabata 8 rounds
thrusters (lt)
st. leg abmat sit-ups
SDHP (lt)

record total reps

Get your Stretch on! Can anyone identify which muscle groups are being stretched on the right and left picture. Full anatomical names please:)


Unknown said...

Left Photo:
It's hard to tell exactly how they're stretching from a still photograph; looks like they're doing a shoulder stretch but I could be way off; if my guess on how they're moving is right, then they're mainly stretching pectoralis major and pectoralis minor and (to a lesser extent), the anterior head of the deltoid, coracobrachialis, and biceps brachii

Teresa said...

Note to self : google coracobrachialis.

Michael said...

It seems to me that the one on the right would stretch not only the Latimus Dorsi but also that muscle directly under your armpit,.. Teres Major?

Katy Nicholas said...

Picture on the left:
Pectoralis major, minor. Serratus, external abdominal oblique, deltoid, biceps, coracobrachialis (Teresa=), subscapularis, maybe some muscles of the fore arm too
Right: depending on which person you are looking at, tall dude in the back with the blue ;)
Latisimus dorsi, tapezious, rhomboids, teres major and minor, triceps, deltoid, infraspinatus, iliocostalis thoracis muscle
This was fun! I haven’t looked at my anatomy book since med school 8 yrs ago =)

Awesome job to everyone this weekend!!! Vic said it was awesome. I am super impressed with the determination even in the freezing rain.