Sunday, February 27, 2011

2-27-11 Lumberjack 20

"Apex Best"

20 Deadlifts- 275/185, 400m run
20 KBS- 2pood, 400m run
20 OHS 115/80, 400m run
20 Burpee, 400m run
20 Pull-ups- C2B, 400m run
20 Box Jump 24", 400m run
20 Squat Clean 95/65, 400m run

Time Cap- 30 minutes


Nick Meara said...

is the baseball team doing the fight gone bad championship still?

Erik said...

pood....nice. I had to look that one up. Way to broaden our knowledge/vocab.

Dave "BDD" said...

Hey, Coach Vic on the Mainsite pic!

Zimnock said...

can i break out a flannel?