Friday, March 11, 2011

3-12-11 "The Killer B's"

Lord and Lady 2
Week 2
400m run with vest 45/25
3 rounds of
15 back squat 135/80
~80 bear crawl
15 burpees
400m run with vest 45/25
Max box jump (you choose height)

* 15 minute time cap.
* Time stops once you are satisfied with your box jump height. You will receive a 2nd score for your max box jump height. Each athlete will be awarded 2 scores, total time and max box jump height. You will be allowed as many attempts at the box jump as you would like time cap permitting, also understanding the more attempts you take the longer your WOD time will be scored.
Good Luck

Please arrive at 7:30 for warm up and play time, 8:00am we will cover standards and Wod instructions.


Dave "BDD" said...

15 minutes? Really?

Michael said...

(Overheard in my kitchen this morning)

Camille: "Are you excited for the workout this morning?"

Michael: "No, I'm terrified."


Michael said...

Shanna, I liked that paleo bar. Any sources for recipes? Camille's interested.

Josh Wagner said...

Awesome Paleo Bars Shanna!

She's been hard at work to perfect a few recipes....
Stay tuned you may see these available for purchase and snacking pleasure at Apex!


Kacie said...

Ditto on the Paleo Bars, Shanna! Do you make house calls as well? Kutty and I have been discussing hiring you as our personal Paleo chef.....

Shanna said...

Thank you guys so much!! It's funny how before Paleo I NEVER cooked and had no idea that I had this dormant passion about creating food. I am so happy to do this!

Mike: I am still making up recipes as I go along and haven't really perfected anything but I have a few great basic bar recipes from books that I can bring in for Camille.

Thanks again for the feedback and if there is anything you would like to see specifically in a bar let me know!

Moose said...

I will buy bars from you as they are Shanna! Those things were awesome! Keep it up!