Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4-13-11 "Backache"

For time:
1000m row then

21-15-9 of:
Front squats 135/85
good mornings 65/45

CrossFit Open Wod #4
10 minutes complete AMRAP
60 burpees over a barbell jumping forward over the bar
30 OHS (120/90)
10 muscle ups

What do ya'll think?


Kacie said...

if there was a "dislike" button on here, I would be hitting it repeatedly over and over and over....

Erik said...

It's actually quite relaxing knowing that my score will be 60 on WOD 4. If my score is 61 I hope some of you visit me in the ER as my back, hips, legs, knees and shoulders don't let me do OHS's.

Angie said...


shoot me now...

Tanya said...

Such anger! We all can keep the cards in play right? Think Positive. Trying to get to the OHS in my second round. We'll see that means 120 burpees 30 OHS and 10 muscle ups prior can I do that? We'll find out.


Molly said...

I'll do your overhead squats Josh. Oh wait, I don't think I can get 120 over my head without a rack...You get it over my head. I'll squat the 120s for you

Michael said...

I look at it this way: There's going to to be a big difference between people that can get one OHS and those who can't, that's the first filter. If you can get one OHS, you've jumped ahead many ranks. Then there's an even fewer number that can get a muscle up. If you can get one of those, that's an even bigger leap. For me, grinding through the OHS to get that one muscle up could literally mean thousands of ranks in this wod.


Teresa said...

You got it, Eustice!

I want a muscle up already. I figure after the tooth fiasco, it's all UP from here!

Cathleen said...

Will I still be able to do WOD4 tomorrow night? I can be there at 5 and I can also stay late...whatever can work.

PS this wod is awful...


Dave "BDD" said...

So Eustice, I have to match you on the MU's to stay ahead of you?


Michael said...

BDD, we'll see how well I can OHS 120# first. one thing at a time. Getting to the MU's is going to be a big challenge.

It will be interesting to see who does better in this one,.. I may get out of the burpees ahead of you, but you should be able to catch up in the OHS. 10 minutes goes fast.


Dave "BDD" said...

I'm concerned about getting past the burpees!

Tanya said...

Cathleen tomorrow you are good to go at 5:30. We will be able to judge you.
