Monday, April 18, 2011

4/19/11 "Awful Tabata"

8 sets 20sec of work/10sec of rest
Line touches 10'
Ring Dip
Bear Crawl 10'


Dave "BDD" said...

Anyone have anything to say about this one?

Dan J said...


Teresa said...


Mike said...

How exactly does this work? 20 seconds on 1st movement then 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds on 2nd movement, rest...and so on? Complete all 5 movements is one round?
I'm just relieved to see that there are no lower back killers in this WOD! My back needs a little rest after Deads and sdhp.

Dave "BDD" said...

Mike - You do 8 sets of each movement (20sec on, 10 sec off) before moving on to next movement.

So . . .
8 sets of KTE (4 mins)
8 sets of Burpees (4 mins)
8 sets of Line touches (4 mins)
8 sets of Ring Dips(4 mins)
8 sets of Bear Crawls(4 mins)

Have fun!


Josh Wagner said...

This workout looks like fun don't you think:) Thanks bdd for explaining the wod. Eustice how do u think u might feel after this workout? See ya'll tonight ! Looking forward to seeing some high scores.

Dan J said...

Do we add up the total reps or is it the final set you use?

Unknown said...

I'm just glad it is done. We totaled all the sets for a final score. Have fun tonight!

Michael said...

That post from 'Mike', above, is Wooters I think. But to answer your question, I think my lungs and triceps would be hit on this one.


Kacie said...

LOVED this one!

Teresa said...

Ok, I have issues with my score on this. What are R. KTE and B. Dips? I believe I did those as RX. :) I'm just sayin...