Friday, June 10, 2011

6-11-11 "Crush-Anator"

Cathleen will be leaving us for a month headed for training. We will leave her with a little memory of some of her favorites. This will also be added to the board as an APEX BEST. Goodluck.

5 rounds

3 *hspu
5 *turkish getups 35/26(bell can not touch the floor)
7 *pwr cln n jrks- 85/135 (bar may not be rested on the floor)
10 gi janes
14 game style push ups
21 *box jumps 20"
42 *sledge hammers (sledge hammer must stay in your hands until all hammers are completed)

Following the 5 rds complete 100 m run- 100 m sled pull 90#

*Just as all Apex Best wods there will be a time cap, come find out what it is!
*All moves with an * must be strung, if broken complete 3 burpees then continue where you left off!

Cody completed 42 flips in 5 minutes while Larynn and Jess completed 44 reps. Nice work!


Dan J said...

Check out that moose in action!

This wod sounds intense! I'm pumped!

Dan J said...

And yes im that excited that i needed all those exclaimation points at the end of every sentence!

Michael said...

Can anyone tell me what this guy is doing wrong in this 'training' video?


Julia said...

Cathleen! Enjoy your WOD. I will need to do a modified version from home I'm sorry to say. I'll miss you all today.

As for yesterday's wod...the a.m. group did awesome too. Bill moved all those tires for us and finished with 41 flips in the wod, Shanna rocked the du's with 101, and Maribeth celebrated her first wod with us! Great job everyone.

Zimnock said...

is that me flippin that tire...? oh wait no its just my twin! haha