Friday, June 17, 2011

6-18-11 "Lucky 8 Group WOD"

In teams of 2, while one partner runs a 400m run the other person completes AMRAP of:
Box Jumps 20"
Sledge hammer hits
Floor to OH with KB 35/26
KBS 35/26
Shuttle runs 10'
Air squats
Deadlifts 135/95

*Following each run partners must switch, the partner that just ran begins the NEXT movement while the partner that was finishing up the previous movement begins the 400m run. Complete each of the 8 moves and the 8-400m runs as quickly as possible. For every 50 total reps you may subtract 1 minute from your total finish time.

-Summer Work YOUR Trash Begins MONDAY. Have your 5 movements ready! Also check the calendar for slight changes in class times due to our new summer schedule starting Monday.

-Tomorrow and Monday will be the last opportunity to sign up for the APEX Strength classes. These classes will begin on Monday night at 7pm, they are sign up ONLY and run for 4 weeks. You may not join these classes once they begin. For those currently signed up for APEX Strength please have a small notebook which may be kept at the gym following each class.

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