Monday, June 6, 2011


Hopefully yesterday's "Run for your life" Wod you were able to do on your own. Please post your times to the comments so we can see/compare.
*Remember picking and choosing exercises that you don't like will not make you better. Work your weaknesses and you might be surprised by the outcomes.

For time:
25 walking lunges
20 pull ups
50 box jumps 20"
20 double unders
25 ring dips
20 kte
30 KBS (heavy)
30 sit ups
20 db hang sq. cleans
25 good mornings 45#
30 wall balls
3 rope climbs

*Reminder APEX Strength starts June 20th. Sign up Now while spots are still available.
APEX Strength coming this summer

Strength and technique class
Starting back up on Friday's

New additional APEX Strength classes
This will be offered in 2- 4 week packages. Each 4 week package will consist of 3 strength classes per week. We are strongly recommending that if you sign up for a 4 week package that you are able to attend at least 2 out of the 3 strength classes each week.

How much does it cost?
Each 4 week session will be $100

What are these strength classes for?
These classes are being implemented not in place of but in conjunction with our daily programmed Apex Wods. We want to continue adding strength to our lifts. In addition to daily wods we feel that athletes can see larger gains in their overall workouts and max lifts by adding more strength to some of the basic powerlifts. For example by improving a front squat your Fran time should drop because your thrusters will be more efficient. (People are also asking for more strength work so here is the opportunity)

What will I be doing in these classes?
In these APEX strength classes you will work the deadlift, front squat, back squat, bench press and jerk. We will work for our baseline max along with lifting heavy for short reps, and lifting medium for volume. Each person will have their choice of rep schemes along with some guidance from trainers. Each week will be continuous practice with these fundamental lifts along with adding band work and dynamic strength movements such as sleds and creative jumping skills and drills.

The strength and technique classes will now be concentrating on olympic lifts and skilled movements such as overhead squat, clean and jerk and snatches. We highly recommend all those able to join the 4 week APEX strength sessions do so. No matter how much practice you put towards improving your technique on your overhead squat, clean and jerk and snatch everything stems from the foundation of your squats, presses and deadlifts.

Spaces are limited for the 4 week APEX strength classes email Now to reserve a spot.


Julia Spencer said...

This sounds like fun! :) But I know that it's going to be killer.

Teresa said...

Did my own version of the Run for your Life wod on the Perkiomen trail tonight. About 5 miles at a relatively leisurely pace with a couple intermittent sprints thrown in. Just another active rest day for the gazelle.

Kacie said...

Teresa's "relatively leisurely pace" = my sprint and feeling as though I'm going to eat pavement at any moment

Thanks again for the push last night, Dan :-) I would rather do 100 burpees then do this one again!

Lauren P. said...

This is why I never look to see what the wod is. I would never show up. This one sucked....

SharonLS said...

Jealous I missed this WOD today!!!!!!!!!!