Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7-06-11 "California Road Trip WOD"

This wod was done by Rob Orland and Dave Lipson on the Crossfit Road Trip Journal Series. You can watch the Wod on California Road Trip Part 1 Click here It can be found at minute 20:00 of the video. Winner finishes in mid 8:00's using 185lb barbells. Who wins Rob or Dave? You must subscribe to the journal in order to watch. 25 dollars a year. Well Worth it. Click here Watch and see who wins.

3 rounds for time:

5 Power snatches as heavy as you can go (Can anyone use 135-155lbs)
10 OH barbell lunges using the same bar

25 burpee box jumps onto a 20" box

Some Men of Apex


Josh Wagner said...

Who is that Shmo behind the strap?

Zimnock said...

ide say the photo bomb failed

Josh Wagner said...

Check these videos out from the main site. Very impressive. Mainsite wod nasty skills!


Dan J said...

KStarr(mobilityWOD) at google:


Tips to help when being "Deskbound" by work

Kacie said...

Woot woot! Who's that stud on the top left ;-)

Teresa said...

Dang! I will miss this hefty little wod tonight. It seems that what Wes thought was indigestion from Kacie's delicious jalepeno stuffed peppers turned out to be a nasty case of Appendicitus. Bye bye appendix, hello morphine!! Do you know they give you a button that controls when you need another hit? Talk about the ultimate easy button.

Josh Wagner said...

Yikes, Good luck Wes sorry about that brotha. Hope all goes well with surgery:/

Just did Mondays horrible 7 rd fiasco wod. 34:45 there was nothing in that wod that was the least bit enjoyable. By the way did anyone realize that it is also 91 degrees outside. That probably did not help. Tanya also did with me she was 39:10 sub C2b for bar mu, 125# sq cln, 12' 14# wall ball with an additional 7 air squats following the wall balls instead of doing 2 fer's.

Goodluck tonight at the box everyone. See ya'll tomorrow. Stay cool.

Shanna said...

T I'm sorry about Wes. Wishing him a speedy recovery.