Thursday, July 21, 2011

7-22-11 " Air Force One"

By the way this was today's temp!

For time:
20 thrusters
20 push jerks
20 OHS
20 F. squats

*Top of every minute 4 burpees
Men 95lb barbell
Women 65lb barbell

Alli, Colleen, Rich and Ryan (Rich and Ryan are new Apex athletes now in the evening group classes) Make sure to welcome them to CrossFit as you see them in the box.


Julia Spencer said... I'd love to do this WOD! :)

Michael said...

swimming wod! let's do it.


Dave "BDD" said...

Hey coconut water addicts!

Costco has 12 pack (11.2 oz cartons) for $15 (that's $1.25 each).

Let me know if want me to pick you up some.

Josh Wagner said...

This video was on the main site Monday. Really cool. Anyone have a pool that would like to host this wod!

Kurt said...

KC and my plan for tomorrow is to do the apex wod in the morning and then hit up my parents pool. If anyone is interested in doing a swimming wod and then just relaxing by the pool please let me know. I also have a rope, tire, rings and pullup bar in the back yard so I am sure we could put together some cool stuff!

Josh Wagner said...

Holy cow, if you thought yesterday was hot today is another notch higher. We had a group that I would be willing to go to battle with any day this am. Fighting through Air Force One in combination with that heat = Toughness.

Dan J said...

I wish I could make it in for the 4pm class, this heat definitely adds a whole other obstacle to that wod! Nicole and I are going to get a wod in at the park with the rings, lets see how that goes.

Check this out:
For those of you who need a wod when they are away from apex. Its a random WOD generator! Click "WOD" then you get to choice which category you want and it spits one out

Julia said...

I loved this morning's wod. My new shoes plus the heat made me even more excited for the fun. Swimming wod does sound fantastic. Dan, I love the wod generator. thanks

Josh Wagner said...

Dan, the Wod generator is real cool thanks for sharing your awesome find.

Erik said...

anybody going to the 4 pm? Please i dont want to be the only one!!

SharonLS said...

Loved this WOD! I did it in Cooperstown,NY... 17:43
rx except OHS @ 40# because they only had regular metal weights (boo! Globo gym! Lol ) so I had to take some
time to change out the weights... Did all of the burpees
though, like I was supposed to! :-)

Dan J said...

Nicole and I ended up going to the park and making up our own wod. that heat was BRUTAL i dont know you guys did it today, awesome work!
~15ft handstand walk
~50ft bear crawl
5 muscle ups
40 air squats

~15ft crab walk
~50ft bear crawl
20 air squats
10 strict push ups
10 knees to elbows

Julia Spencer said...

Julia your shoes are hot! ;) And you were amazing today in the wod. Such intensity!!!!