Thursday, July 7, 2011


There will be one class today! 9:30am No PM classes.

For time:
500m row
50 hang power cleans 75/55
50 jumping ring dips (bottom of ring, top of shoulder height)
50 double unders
50 mountain climbers(ea leg=1)


Dan J said...

My back and butt are SO sore. SO happy for the day off today! haha

Zimnock said...

your back and but dont feel it at all dan you should man it up for another one :)

Dan J said...

aw shucks! I'm working until 5 today looks like I couldn't make it to the 4 o'clock class even if I tried.....

Julia Spencer said...

Today's workout was tons of fun! Love the variety!!!! And after yesturday's workout, it felt good!!!!