Wednesday, July 27, 2011


15 Min AMRAP
5 Heavy Power Cleans
7 Deadlifts with the same bar
10 Butterfly Situps


Bussom36 said...

Great Work by all on the "Weigh-In"
I had to post two pictures of our two MVP's of the day.....BDD farmer carrying 100# Barbells in each arm.
Dan J. wearing his 45# Vest for the entire WOD!

2011 CF Games Pool Update:
It's luck of the draw....all atheltes will be randomly drawn from a hat.
You can opt-in for Male/Female or Both.
The Cost is $5 per option.

The drawing of the athletes and the order of the pickers will be be pulled after the 6pm class on Thursday.
We have 17 People signed up so far.
We still have openings, please let me know by 6:59pm

Michael said...

I won't be there today but I'm in for both options. Pay you Saturday morning?


Shanna said...

I'm down for the pool, can pay tomorrow AM if that's cool and someone wouldn't mind picking mine.

Jessica said...

I won't be there tonight either, but I'm in for both!

Kacie said...

Kutty and I are in

Yoga tonight :-)

Bussom36 said...

Bek will be there tonight, she is chomping at the bit to get back on the mat.

Shanna, your in.

No worries if folks can't make it tonight.
Your name will be dropped into a hat and picked to determine the order of the draft.
I will post your roster sometime on Friday.

Erik said...

Put me in the pool too...both male and female. I wont be there tonight but should be there Fri. and Sat.

Molly said...

So when is the WOD to dig the hole so we can have a pool to do swimming WODs?

Shanna said...

Thanks Bus!

I have had the System of a Down "Chop Suey" song in my head all day now and it's driving me mad.

Dan J have you seen the new Hattoris?? They are bad mammajammas. They are like a hybrid five finger/minimus. Don't think I will be hitting trails in them however they kick butt on the road.

Dan J said...

Shanna - great song! im going to go listen to that cd right now. do you own the hattori's?! I almost bought them but decided I need to take a break from my shoe addiction. they look awesome though!

Also more info is posted about the events this weekend!

Individual Event 2 is:

Skills 1
Max L-sit for time (1 attempt)
Max distance softball throw (2 attempts)
Max distance handstand walk (1 attempt with 1 mulligan if less than 5 yards)

Individual Event 5 is:

Skills 2
1 rep max weighted chest-to-bar pull-up for load
1 rep max snatch for load
Jug carry for distance in 60 seconds

Cathleen said...

I would be in for the pool both male and female. I won't be in tho till Saturday. Could that still work?
