Sunday, July 3, 2011


Wear your RED, WHITE & BLUE

7 Rds (Month of July)
4 HSPU (Day 4)
1 Heavy Sqt Clean (Year One thousand)
7 bar MU's (Year 7oo)
7- 2 for 1 Wall Balls (year 70)
6 Sqt Thrust (Year 6)
56 DU's (56 Signatures on the Declaration of Independence)

1. Who was the oldest to sign the Declaration of Independence? and Age?
2. Who signed their name the largest on the Declaration of Independence?

3. Which two future Presidents signed their name on Declaration of Independence?

Please do not cheat and use the world wide web!


Julia Spencer said...

Not sure about #1 but #2 was John Hancock. And #3 was John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Julia said...

I'll second Julia that, Julia S.

My upper arms are destoyed from the net climb Saturday, completely black and blue. My kids keep telling me I look filthy. Anybody else? It's a great summer look.


Julia said...

Also, does anyone have tiger lily beds they need to split? I need about 15 tiger lily plugs for a landscaping project.

Bussom36 said...

Julia you are correct!

1. Ben Franklin - 70 years old
2. John Hancock- the most famous signature in US history
3. John Adams & Thomas Jefferson(principal author of Declaration of Independence), both men died on July 4,1826

Everyone, Awesome work today