Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5-24-12 "OPEN Wod 5 2011"

20 min AMRAP of
5 pwr clean 145/100
10 T2B
15 wall ball 20 to 10', 14 to 9'

Shanna, one incredible athlete...goes and wins 1st place at the CMC with her team fighting through her dislike of water, then comes in Monday morning and attacks another discomfort of heights and pulls out her first FULL rope climb on round 3 and then round 4 of the wod! Way to go girl!!!! Huge accomplishments the past few days!


Shanna said...

This brought a happy tear =) Thank you so much guys, it's a great feeling. Having tremendous support is what gives me the confidence to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Thank you Thank you!

Jessica said...

Awesome! Way to push through the fear!

Cathleen said...

Yey Shanna! So proud of you.
