Monday, July 16, 2012

7-17-12 "Albany Hopper"

Apex Best

1000m row then:

5 Rounds of:
21 SDHP 95/65
15 burpees
9 thrusters 95/65

25min time cap


Dave "BDD" said...

hmm, I think you may have forgot something? Maybe the part about five rounds?

SharonLS said...

I was thinking the same thing... I initially thought "do-able", then I went back and looked at previous workouts and saw 5 rounds of 21-15-9. Second thought was sh*t"

Josh Wagner said...

oops, thanks guys. That is kinda important:) Good luck on this one. Bring a few shirts because its going to be an absolute sweat fest in this heat.

Dan J said...

-30 Air Squats
-200m-ish run
-10 wall MU (~5.5ft wall)

Cash Out (1min rest):
-50 push ups
*NO rest at bottom, only at top or pike position

Bussom36 said...

Roll It, Pat It, Mark It with a B
OH lunges 45/10
lay down get ups
DB Push Press 45/10
bek 14:24
keith 16:03
both went unbroken and she still kicked my butt!

Julia said...

Great work bek! Way to hit it.

Bekah Bus said...

Actually I was 13:28 but who's counting? The looks on the faces od the people at the gym -priceless!

Josh Wagner said...

Great to see the Bussom's going head to head on a workout at the OBX! Way to show him whose Boss, Bekah.

I am trying to put together a group of helpers to move a swingset from my neighbors house. I would like to get around 7-9 people who think they can lift a playhouse off of its posts then trailer across the street to my house. We will then have to relift it back onto its posts at my house. Hopefully around 20-30min. Could anyone help Wednesday, tomorrow night like 7:30pm-ish. We could do it following the 6pm group class. Please let me know. Thanks. We will definitely need some man/woman power. Functional lifting.

Bussom36 said...

Sorry pal....wish i could help!
Warm up 1;000 m run
Oh lunges....L+R=1
Cool down 1;000 m run

Lauren P. said...

Sorry Josh. I have a girls night out and Erik will be at baseball...

Dave "BDD" said...

Josh - I can help after the 6pm class on Wednesday.


Josh Wagner said...

Thanks dave we can head over right after class. Teresa and wes are also going to help. I'll c u tomorrow.

Josh Wagner said...
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